Friday, July 30, 2010

“If I Were A Boy” – How Does This Song Reflect on Relationships

My friend lately had to write a paper regarding the song “If I Were a Boy.” Most of you must have heard this song before with its provocative lyrics towards men, do whatever they want to do. A lot of men were offended by this song as they thought the lyrics were quite sexist. And yet, when we hear this song, we immediately know that the lyrics are talking about men. Because of the lyrics, a lot of people despise this song.

If I Were a Boy – Beyonce
If I were a boy even just for a day
I’d roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
‘Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man

I’d listen to her
‘Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
‘Cause he’s taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broke
So they’d think that I was sleeping alone

I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
‘Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waiting for me to come home, to come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man

I’d listen to her
‘Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
‘Cause he’s taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say it’s just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
And you don’t understand, oh

How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man
You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
‘Cause you’re taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you’re just a boy

Girls often say that they want the good honest guy but in the end they fall for the bad guy that breaks their hearts. People cheat. People cheat their partner's heart. People can be mean. So many times we wonder why would they do that? Why do they break our hearts? I think Beyonce's lyrics reflect on how sometimes people do the things and we won't understand them.

That's why the lyrics state "if i were a boy":
* It reflects on how unhappy the girls is in the relationship and she wishes she could understand and accept the things you are doing
* This also reflects on how sometimes girls can be so silly
* We try to understand how some guys treat us
* We try to convince ourselves that he's doing is okay
* We lie to ourselves
* Sometimes trying to believe that maybe this is not happening

When i listen to this song, i think about my relationship. Was i wrong? Was he wrong? Were we both wrong?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's Over

It is hard enough to make local relationships work but having miles, states, and sometimes even an ocean makes it even more difficult. It will survive as long as you are willing to work it out.

As a long distance couple, it's important to do other things together besides the usual phone call. In a long distance relationship, interaction over the phone can become dull in the long run.

Long distance relationships can and will test you and your partner. Need to trust him/her entirely.

Just think... People in short-distance relationships do not spend the majority of their time talking, but rather doing things with each other.

It’s important to establish and maintain an emotional connection. Remember that e-mail and even instant messengers can increase the possibility of misunderstandings.

Write love letters. Send small gifts for no reason. In this case, quantity is as important as quality.

People have free will and no one can or should control another person. As long as you are both interested in being in the relationship, you will stick with it and distance will not make a difference.

When I’m alone, I take out time to see the photos of my love or any romantic message from him. At night, before sleeping, try to recollect those wonderful moments that I spent with him. Try to get cozy with him in my dreams. Remember those times when he cared for me.

A relationship must be built on strong foundations of trust, understanding and determination to make it work. The two partners should be reasonable about their expectations and willing to cooperate so that the relationship can lead to a happy ending.

Things will get better with time, and even the relationship will become better. Have hope.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cinta Tidak Semestinya Memiliki

Malam yang sungguh sunyi sepi. Ditemani angin dingin malam. Malam yang cantik bagiku. Masa untuk berehat dan inilah masa yang sesuai untuk bersama dgn family dan orang tersayang.

Ketika ini,aku duduk sendirian di luar rumahku. Ku heret sekali laptop dan MP3 kesayanganku. Melihat langit yang terbentang luas, sudah cukup membuatkan hati ku tenang. Sekali sekala mendongakkan kepala ke langit dan memuji ciptaannya. Syukur kerna aku masih mampu melihat dunia ciptaan Allah.

Mendengar lagu kesukaan ku berulang kali sambil menulis blog yang ku rasakan sudah lama aku tinggalkan. 

Apa yang ku rasakan ketika ini? Sendirian, sedih, hati berbelah bagi, hilang semangatku dan tiada apa yang waras dapat aku fikirkan. Berbulan lamanya aku merasakan ini semua dan ku simpan rapi dan rapat dalam diriku sehingga memakan diriku sendiri.

Aku seorang manusia biasa yang serba kekurangan. Tidak sempurna sifat ku dan sentiasa melakukan kesalahan. Bukan aku minta untuk jadi begini tapi inilah hidup yang telah Allah tentukan bagi diriku.

Seorang hamba yang hanya mampu berusaha dan berdoa untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang terbaik di dunia dan di akhirat kelak.

Tak pernah terfikir olehku
Tak sedikit pun ku bayangkan
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri

Begitu sulit ku bayangkan
Begitu sakit ku rasakan
Kau akan pergi tinggalkan ku sendiri

Dibawah batu nisan kini
Kau telah sandarkan
Kasih sayang kamu begitu dalam
Sungguh ku tak sanggup
Ini terjadi kerna ku sangat cinta

Inilah saat terakhirku melihat kamu
Jatuh air mataku menangis pilu
Hanya mampu ucapkan
Selamat jalan kasih

Satu jam saja ku telah bisa cintai kamu, kamu, kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakan mu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup
Satu jam saja ku telah bisa sayangi kamu di hatiku
Namun bagiku melupakan mu
Butuh waktuku seumur hidup

Aku hanya mampu melakukan apa yang terdaya. Berusaha dengan sungguhnya. Mengharapkan yang terbaik dalam apa jua yang aku lakukan.

Telah aku curahkan kasih dan sayang aku pada kamu. Aku sanggup menunggu kamu seberapa lama mana pun. Telah aku cuba untuk memperbaiki apa yang kurang. Telah aku cuba ikhtiarkan sesuatu tetapi aku GAGAL.

Semoga kamu tidak terlambat untuk memahami dan mengingati apa yang telah cuba aku lakukan dan aku katakan pada kamu selama ini.

Kerna harapan aku cuma 1. Aku lakukan semua ini dengan ikhlas dan sepenuh hatiku. Tiada paksaan. Aku cuma mahu kamu faham dan bukalah hati dan minda kamu agar kamu bisa lihat apa yang ada di hadapan kamu sebelum semuanya terlambat bagi kamu.

Tiada yang kekal di dunia ini. Hanya kamu yang mampu mengubah hidup kamu.

Thursday, July 15, 2010



..shared secret

..heals many hurts

..not judgemental

..shared laughter

..can be angry at times

..more precious than gold and silver

..not perfect, much like we are not perfect

..does not grudges or demand perfection

..makes all the wrong thing in life, right somehow

..always there, through times of trial, happy time and hard times

• • ♥ I ♥

• • • • ♥ M ♥ I ♥ S ♥ S ♥

• • • • • • ♥ S ♥ A ♥ Y ♥ A ♥ N ♥ G ♥

• • • • • • • • ♥ L ♥ O ♥ V ♥ E ♥

• • • • • • • • • • ♥ Y ♥ O ♥ U ♥

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Best Time With Cik Pah

While i'm doing my work today, i received a message from my bestie, "Pah". She asked me out and she would treat me for a movie and I would treat her for a dinner. Fair and square. We went to Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC) at Mid Valley City. Trust me, choosing a movie to watch is indeed a long and painful decision to make. After a few minutes, we've decided to watch "Despicable Me".

"Despicable Me" wasn't such at bad guy after all. Gru, a bumbling villain with plans to steal the moon until 3 adorable orphan girls enter his life. We are laughing till our stomachs can't take it anymore. What can I say is this movie full of jokes for the kids and more grown-up humour and a warm hearted story for adults. Not so "Despicable" after all.

After finished watching movie, we eat and talk for a while at food court. We both bought 2 desserts. Can you see how soft the ice is? It really looks and taste like snow ice. I really love the texture. Real "Cuties Cubes" Mango with 1 scoop vanilla ice-cream on top.

. : Mine - Ice Mango Special (Cost RM5.00) : .
~ D E L I C I O U S ~

             . : Pah - Ice Longan (Cost RM3.50) : .
          ~ S W E E T I E S ~

~ T H A N K S    T O    P A H    F O R    E V E R Y T H I N G ~

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Singapore Oh Singapore!

Singapore is one of the best places to shop, be it branded goods. It has been noted to be one of the cheapest in the region too.

Sight seeing areas include The Singapore Zoo (I advise you not to go there if the day is very hot), Singapore Flyer, Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari at Singapore Zoological Garden, Esplanade (where you can catch a concert), and Sentosa (one of the amazing days out).
You should try to eat some of the local foods. There are lots of delicious foods from different religions (Chinese, Malay, Indians) in Singapore such as Chicken Rice (u can get this almost everywhere), Roti Prata (Indian style croissant with curry) and Fried Prawn noodles.. There are many food centers (clean and well kept) around. Food is cheap there.  Most food centers open through midnight. Some food courts (more comfortable) are 24hrs.

Cable car is a better choice since it has better view but much more expensive. You can visit the Underwater World and the 4D Cineplex there. Do also try shopping at Orchard Road (a lovely day out but really tiring) to Marina Square area or Singapore Downtown.

Its a really lovely place to go. Its not too big and yet they have absolutely everything. Fun in Singapore never ends and there quite a few interesting places to enjoy.

Monday, July 12, 2010

What A Tiring Day!

Morning world..!

I just woke up..! Slept late last nite. Had a rather tiring but rewarding day today.Was out last nite with my PKSN's friends (adeq, wani, fairus, an, yan, man and man's friends) till late and I guess that also contributed to my fatigue.

In addition to my project work, I had to setup the "new system" for one of my earlier projects. Wasn't really able to complete that setup due to various reasons.

On the rewarding front, I got a good compliments from the Head of Conveyancing Department on my work. Had a big smile on my face after that. My hard work finally paid off.

Have also begun reading "Utmost Living" by Tim Storey, which seems to be very interesting. Lots to learn on that front though.

Oh gotta go *sluuuuuuuuuuurp* lunch will be served soon..!
. . . waiting . . . waiting . . . w a i t i n g . . .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heaven Letter

Dear LonelyHeart,

You don't like to think about it, but when you do think about it, there is that place where your beautiful heart is lonely. Lonely for what? You know not what, and yet your heart is not quite satisfied. Yes, your heart has moments of great fulfillment, and, sometimes, in those moments, you feel you have passed all the hurdles that life can offer. And then, in a moment of quietude, you hear the far-off tremor of loneliness.

No matter how much love you receive and give, you have a heart beating in your breast that longs for more. Your heart is insatiable. It is not that your heart is greedy. It just wants to be filled with love and more love and love on top of love. Your heart knows it has room for more love and greater love and deeper love. Your heart knows it has the capacity to give greater love.

Your heart longs to give richer love. It is lonely for more love to give. It doesn't want to hold on to love so much as it wants to feel love and give love. Your heart will never be emptied of love, and yet it wants a fill-up. Where is the love station your heart can go to fill up on love and give it out liberally?

This is what you are lonely for, a love station. There are gas stations. Why not a place for love where you can pull up and have your heart taken care of?

There is a heart station, beloveds. You are already at it. Life is the heart station. Life is where you can get your heart filled. It's a funny thing that the more love you give out, the fuller your heart is. This love station goes deep. It is like no other. Life is the station where you can fill your heart up with love, and life is also a drop-off place for love. There is not one without the other.

You are not advised to follow any speed limit when it comes to your heart. There are no lanes your heart has to stay within. There is only love to be given out like confetti at a parade. Confetti falls from above and delights in itself. This is how it is with love as well.

Your heart is a basket of love, and you strew flowers of your heart as if you were a flower girl at a wedding. Right and left, you toss the flower blossoms of your love. And the blossoms of your love are picked up readily, and your heart of flowers is replenished. This is the nature of your heart, to love without cost. Of course, love is priceless. Have you been setting a price on love? Have you given it rules to follow?

It is okay to feel lonely. It is also okay to give your love away. It is better.

A sense of loneliness has its purpose. It can live with you for a while. It can be a visitor that comes and goes. I will tell you a secret. It is not really your heart that is lonely. It is your thoughts telling you that you are alone, and so you feel wistful. Have your mind tell you that you are never alone, for I am with you.

It doesn't matter what you are lonely for. There is one cure for loneliness. And the cure is life. Life gives the perfect opportunity for you to give love away. The more you give love away, the more love you will feel. Right now, you have more love to give. Start strewing it now. Give everything, ask for nothing.

The Rest Of My Life

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And there's a couple words
I want to say

For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I..
I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my bf and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything was changed when you came along
And there's a couple word
I want to say
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
I know that deep in my heart..