Dear blog,
About 2 hours ago i've posted something and now i'm gonna post the new one. Am i a boring blogger? Hey! It's my blog laa. People out there cannot 'tahan' me from blogging. You're my 'public diary'. Everything is here. Inside this blog. Only part of my secrets and feelings.
I actually missing him very much. Miss the old him. Miss our long phone conversations. Miss our dates. I just miss US. I don't know why. Things have changed quite abit. Especially with our relationship. I don't know. I have to understand that his jobscope is different from mine. But, i feel neglected sometimes. And nowdays, he gets mad at things easily. He doesn't seems to be the “cool” him anymore. Isit me? Did i trouble him too much with my things or problems? If its because of me, i deeply sorry but deep down inside, i miss you like crazy