I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to decide what to do with my life but really struggling with making decisions at the moment. And I have to make some decisions. The followings are what i want in my small life:
1. To pursue my studies – Though I don’t want to spend years of my life in Uni2. To settle all my works on time without any delay
3. To find the perfect guy – I had Razi. I just wish I could have the old him back
4. To stop wasting my life away online – I need to go out and get my education and be happy
5. To find a 100% clean guy – Doesn’t smoke or drink or do drugs
6. To be happy in love – I need it back!
7. To only stay friends with loyal and honest friends – No staying friends with so called friends and no staying in a none loyal relationship.
8. To be married – Hopefully one day.
9. To have children of my own – Hopefully one day.
10. Have clear skin
11. Earn enough money to help and support my family (parents/siblings/husband/children)
12. Watch all Roswell episodes
13. Marry a gentleman
14. Buy and live in a nice family home somewhere in the country or near a beach
15. Fall in love with a man that will love me like Fairus loves Wani
16. Achieve my goals
17. Be happy
18. World peace
19. To stop pushing people away
20. To go on a road-trip with just me and a loved one
21. Sleep under the stars
22. Go for more late night walks
23. To be a good person (sister/friend/daughter/niece/cousin)
24. Read more books
25. Drink more water
26. Take better care of myself
27. To keep in routine
28. To travel
29. Take lots of photos of memories and beautiful nature
30. To stop wasting time
31. Be more positive rather than negative
32. Learn to cook
33. To fall in real deep love
34. Be less influenced by other peoples opinions
35. Make scrapbooks of memories
36. Have a perfect romantic relationship
37. Go rock climbing
38. Go to the cinema more
39. Be able to sleep easily
40. To be forgiven
41. Learn more about law and Islam
42. Be honest with myself
43. Be aware of my feelings and emotions
44. Be able to control my feelings and emotions
45. To be loved deeply and honestly
46. Have 2 children (boy and girl)
47. Get over my depression
48. Live everyday like it’s my last – not waste time. Do the things I enjoy.
49. Spend my life with family, bestie n him
50. Support my family financially and emotionally
51. Help the earth – stop global warming
52. Find true love
53. Have a successful marriage. Stay married and live happily ever after
54. Make people close to me proud of me
55. Always have something to look forward to
56. Not worry what others think of me
57. Show my family how much they really mean to me
58. Overcome my fear of the dark
59. Live passionately
60. Watch the sunset and sunrise with someone special
61. Spend the rest of my life with Razi
62. Never give up
63. Embrace my romantic side
64. Be more patient
65. Control my temper
66. See the positive in every situation
67. Live my life however it makes me happy
68. Make good use of my time
69. Marry Razi (InsyaAllah, if we meant to be together)
70. I want to live a long and happy life. Make no mistakes.