Today is our "official" 6th month anniversary. Who counts such things? Evidently I do now. I was just wondering if he cares about this or if its just kind of a girl thing to get all excited for. Six months is nothing in the grand scheme of things but "things" have been tough then six months is a big deal. Still, it's been a wonderful six months.
Love You more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow. :D It's been an amazing 6 months that flew by so quickly yet feels just as exciting and thrilling as the very first day. You mean everything to me and I'm the luckiest girl around to have you.
You are an amazing guy and I'm so thankful to have you in my life. You completely start my day when I get to talk to you. I don't remember the last time I felt so hopeful, so right about my life and the future and it's all because of you. Thank you b. I love you, and I can't wait to see you again (if possible). InsyaAllah.