Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Merdeka Day 2010

Happy 53rd Merdeka to all Malaysian. It has been 53 years since we have our own independent day stretching back to 31 August 1957. I’m quite happy actually. There is a lot I want to say about my country but I don’t know how to say it. I didn’t went to countdown last night, not interested at all. Its too crowded and to me, it seems a little scary.

The name Malaya was then changed to Malaysia when the country was officially made a federation of 13 states including Sabah and Sarawak. Malaysia as we know it today is a thriving developing country, often considered a “role model” by its Southeast Asian neighbours for its economic and political stability, multicultural harmony and steady progress.

What does Merdeka means to me? It is about growing and sharing as you move along your own personal journey of life. And be truly thankful that as Malaysian we are still united in one accord and 1 Malaysia.

Fast Facts about Malaysia are as follows:
Capital City : Kuala Lumpur
Main Languages : Malay (official) known as Bahasa Malaysia, English, Tamil, Chinese, indigenous languages 
Religion : 52% Muslim, 17% Buddhist, 12% Taoist, 8% Christian, 8% Hindu, 2% tribal
Currency : Malaysian Ringgit (RM)
Country Dialing Code : 60
National Flower : Hibiscus or “Bunga Raya”
Key National Symbols : The Malaysian Flag or “Jalur Gemilang” and The National Anthem “Negaraku”

May Allah continue to bless this nation and see it transform into a better country for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion and background to strive for a better Malaysia!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

What Do You Miss In Those Times??

  • Miss playing rounders, zero-point, bola tin, marbles (golie), five stones, congkak, hopscotch, collecting erasers and battling with friends by trying to flip mine over theirs.
  .: Five Stones :.                                               .: Zero-Point:.                                             .: Bola Tin :.


    • Also playing catching and hide and seek
    • Teacher asking you to write letters to your classmate and study for spelling test
    • Miss running around with friends from one house to another and cycling too 
    • Oh yes, miss having the swings at the sandy playground. Can build mini castles too. These days so many are plastics and lots fewer swings around
    • The cartoons..! The cartoons..!
    • Do remember the 20 cents home-made ice-cream, sometimes they got asam-boi, lychee and milo flavours. It's like packed in a clear plastic and then they'll tie it, BCG and 60 cents per bus ride
    • After a hard days of playing at the playground and getting all tired and sweaty, we'd rock up to the "mak cik"s house and get "ice-cream" for 20 cents each
    • Friends would hang out and and have fun, but now everyone seems so busy with their own life me included, tied down with work and really missing those carefree days
    • Miss my pri and sec school classmates, really hope all of them are doing well
    • Life was definitely much simpler and more wholesome. Perhaps it's also because we were looking at it thru a child's eyes
    • But I would much rather be a kid in the 80's again then to be a kid now. So much stress at school
    • I remember my late baba used to hold his hand up high and wave here and there just to find reception to call
    • When I was in sec school, would go down Central Market @ Pasar Seni and take photos. The mood then was really so much more different. Hanging out at Yaohan with my sec school classmates, only worry would be the exams and nothing else
    • Do you all remember the 'fun fair' we had last time? To go in, you need to pay a ticket fee then there are so many stalls and rides inside. Nowadays pasar malam is nothing compared to those days.
    • But it is a different story now. Sadly to say that life here now seems lifeless and stressful, everyone seems so stressed and tired. Good looking on the outside but really empty inside.
    ~ There's too many to list actually. What can i say, i really do miss those times ~

    Friday, August 27, 2010


    A dream is a wish your heart makes
    When you're fast asleep
    In dreams, you will lose your heartache
    Whatever you wish for, you keep

    A dream is a magical thing
    A rainbow of joy in your heart
    Your own secret corner
    Where no one can go
    Where the path
    To fulfillment can start

    A dream lures you on
    Always one step ahead
    Until you have caught it
    And then there's always another
    To capture your soul
    And lead you onward again

    Have faith in your dreams and someday
    Your rainbow will come smilin' through
    No matter how your heart is grieving
    If you'll keep on believing
    The dream that you wish for will come true

    Tuesday, August 24, 2010

    Work, Work And Work

    I'm at home now
    Not going to the mosque for Terawih prayer tonight
    Finally can take a deep breathe
    It has been pretty hectic the past few weeks at work
    I even had a bad migraine lately

    This is due to the work i'm currently attached to
    Well, this is a mind challenging job
    You need to know the conveyancing procedures
    It may takes about 2-3 years for you to crack your head

    Meantime, i have to study the file first from A-Z before drafting the "Chronology of Events"

    OMG! All of sudden, i felt like i'm going to faint on the floor
    Too many matters need to be settled within this week
    The 'Completion Date' has lapsed la
    The 'Due Date' to register the instruments to the Land Office is around the corner
    The 'Mentioned Date' to obtain Court Order for 'Extention of Time'
    To forward the Original Issue Document of Title to the Bank
    To complete and compile all the pending items to the Bank
    To calculate the apportionment of outgoings
    To update status report for individual and project cases
    To make necessary follow ups with clients, banks, developers and solicitors
    Drafting and vetting some agreement
    And bla.. bla.. bla.. bla..

    Woaaahhhh!!! TERLALU BANYAK KEJE!!

    I'm wondering if its the pressure i'm facing
    Everyone faces pressure
    I do love my job
    Its just that the pressure is way high
    And seems like they all have high expectations on me
    With new challenges and situations
    I'll take it in my stride

    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    The Distance

    The internet is fun
    The internet is the place
    I met my special one
    I wake every morning
    And rest at night
    The many hours spent online
    Our keyboards as or voices
    Monitors as our eyes
    And when you sent your 'salam','hey' and 'boo'
    It  makes my heart stand still
    I can't see you
    I can't touch you
    But somehow
    I know you are there

    We will have to work extra hard to maintain this relationship
    Must make a great effort
    Avoid jealousy
    Be honest, be positive, trust
    Understanding and determination
    To make it work

    The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched
    But must be felt with the heart

    ( )" " ( )
    ( 'o' )
    l I LOVE YOU l

    Tuesday, August 17, 2010

    My Small Life

    I'm the eldest in my family
    So my parents put more pressure on me to be a good example to my siblings
    My parents are not too strict (strict at certain times) and they don't give me too much freedom either
    They will usually give me what i want as long as it isn't over the limit

    My parents are apposites and quite strict about studies
    Like we are not concentrating on our studies
    Mama will advise me not to study hard when it's near the exam
    Baba will tell me to study hard and he also won't allow me to talk to boys over the phone for too long

    They can be quite and flexible
    But when they say something, we just listen and don't talk back
    Because what they say is always very logical

    They want us to love them and appreciate all they have done for us
    They want to be proud of us
    They want to feel that they are doing a good job being our parents
    They want to discuss issues with us in a calm, reasonable way and not by shouting

    I was vey close to my late baba but he passed away 3 years ago
    I was kind of in denial about the whole thing
    When things get tough, I pray to Allah
    Prayer helps keep us balanced and focused

    Sunday, August 8, 2010

    Dugaan Syaaban

    Syaaban akan berakhir dan Ramadhan bakal tiba beberapa hari lagi
    Tidak dinafikan pelbagai dugaan di hadapi
    sepanjang bulan syaaban kali ini
    Namun berkat kesabaran, usaha, solat dan
    doa yang tidak putus-putus
    Semuanya dapat di hadapi dengan baik

    Kata orang 'berdoalah pada Allah sebanyak mana pun yang kita mahu kerna Allah amat suka pada hambanya yang berbuat sedemikian'
    Memang benar tetapi perlu ingat ia juga perlu di sertai dengan usaha dan amalan-amalan yang wajib jangan pula dilupakan
    Berserah dan bertawakal setelah kita berusaha

    Alhamdulillah, dugaan yang mira hadapi bertemu juga dengan jalan
    Jalan sentiasa ada cuma kita saja
    yang perlu bijak membuat keputusan
    Bulan syaaban banyak mengajar mira untuk lebih banyak bersabar
    Memang susah pada mulanya
    Tapi percayalah Allah sentiasa bersama kita

    Sesukar mana pun masalah yang kita hadapi
    Sentiasa la senyum walaupun pahit untuk ditelan
    Percayalah ianya dapat mengurangkan lagi beban
    Perjalan yang masih panjang

    Ku bersyukur dengan apa yang yg aku ada sekarang ini
    Syukur atas apa yang Allah berikan