- Miss playing rounders, zero-point, bola tin, marbles (golie), five stones, congkak, hopscotch, collecting erasers and battling with friends by trying to flip mine over theirs.
.: Five Stones :. .: Zero-Point:. .: Bola Tin :.
- Also playing catching and hide and seek
- Teacher asking you to write letters to your classmate and study for spelling test
- Miss running around with friends from one house to another and cycling too
- Oh yes, miss having the swings at the sandy playground. Can build mini castles too. These days so many are plastics and lots fewer swings around
- The cartoons..! The cartoons..!
- Do remember the 20 cents home-made ice-cream, sometimes they got asam-boi, lychee and milo flavours. It's like packed in a clear plastic and then they'll tie it, BCG and 60 cents per bus ride
- After a hard days of playing at the playground and getting all tired and sweaty, we'd rock up to the "mak cik"s house and get "ice-cream" for 20 cents each
- Friends would hang out and and have fun, but now everyone seems so busy with their own life me included, tied down with work and really missing those carefree days
- Miss my pri and sec school classmates, really hope all of them are doing well
- Life was definitely much simpler and more wholesome. Perhaps it's also because we were looking at it thru a child's eyes
- But I would much rather be a kid in the 80's again then to be a kid now. So much stress at school
- I remember my late baba used to hold his hand up high and wave here and there just to find reception to call
- When I was in sec school, would go down Central Market @ Pasar Seni and take photos. The mood then was really so much more different. Hanging out at Yaohan with my sec school classmates, only worry would be the exams and nothing else
- Do you all remember the 'fun fair' we had last time? To go in, you need to pay a ticket fee then there are so many stalls and rides inside. Nowadays pasar malam is nothing compared to those days.
- But it is a different story now. Sadly to say that life here now seems lifeless and stressful, everyone seems so stressed and tired. Good looking on the outside but really empty inside.
~ There's too many to list actually. What can i say, i really do miss those times ~