I'm at home now
Not going to the mosque for Terawih prayer tonight
Finally can take a deep breathe
It has been pretty hectic the past few weeks at work
I even had a bad migraine lately
This is due to the work i'm currently attached to
Well, this is a mind challenging job
You need to know the conveyancing procedures
It may takes about 2-3 years for you to crack your head
Meantime, i have to study the file first from A-Z before drafting the "Chronology of Events"
OMG! All of sudden, i felt like i'm going to faint on the floor
Too many matters need to be settled within this week
The 'Completion Date' has lapsed la
The 'Due Date' to register the instruments to the Land Office is around the corner
The 'Mentioned Date' to obtain Court Order for 'Extention of Time'
To forward the Original Issue Document of Title to the Bank
To complete and compile all the pending items to the Bank
To calculate the apportionment of outgoings
To update status report for individual and project cases
To make necessary follow ups with clients, banks, developers and solicitors
Drafting and vetting some agreement
And bla.. bla.. bla.. bla..
I'm wondering if its the pressure i'm facing
Everyone faces pressure
I do love my job
Its just that the pressure is way high
And seems like they all have high expectations on me
With new challenges and situations
I'll take it in my stride