I'll certainly be quite happy for my bestie as she enters this new stage of her life and plans for her future. Getting engaged is an exciting time and my bestie will need my support as she prepares for the wedding. It's a big moment in her life. Now my bestie has decided to marry. Hopefully this will come naturally.
My program friend, An got engaged in January and so did several of my friends including one of my close friends who is also getting married. Everyone is also getting married and engaged before me. I'm happy for everyone but it seems like my thunder was taken away.
I found myself getting a little jealous. Weird huh? I'm not really jealous laa. I do feel happy for her/him/them. But yes, there is a little part of me that is jealous. I think a lot of us feel like that but I don't think it's ok to admit it.
I miss planning a wedding and be the ___________ but just when I start to think that, I remember how hard it was to plan a wedding and be the ___________?